About Me👨‍💻

About Me👨‍💻

Hi!👋 I’m Yosias Suparno and I currently work in the field of data. I design database schemas for some products. I classify large amounts of documents by training models to automate repetitive tasks. Additionally, I optimize data pipelines for clients by designing and building ETL pipelines to ensure they run efficiently. I lead a small team of data scientists, and I help them to succeed in this field. I explore and analyze data from our clients and sometimes randomly scrape data from the internet. I am also responsible for visualizing some of POC projects. I invest my time researching about “what if” solution, which motivates me to swiftly develop prototypes.

Contact Me🤙

  • Hit me up on LinkedIn and let’s expand our professional network
  • Check out some of my side projects on my Github
  • You can find my opinions on unnecessary things on my Twitter
  • Reach out to me via email if you need to convey formal information
  • Discover my unique taste in art on my Instagram, where I share my weird side
  • I put my resume in here

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